and Mi'^raj are miracles of our beloved prophet Mu'hammad . Our beloved prophet Mu'hammad traveled at night from Mecca to Jerusalem, Isra', and then he went up to the skies, Mi'^raj, from which he returned to Mecca. The entire journey took him about a third of the night. Historical proof that our beloved prophet Mu'hammad physically made this journey is evidenced by what happened upon his return to Mecca.

When our beloved prophet Mu'hammad returned to Mecca, many of the non-Muslims gathered. Now these people knew our beloved prophet Mu'hammad , previous to this time, had not traveled to Jerusalem. They asked him to describe the Mosque of the Dome in Jerusalem, which he did. Also from prophet Mu'hammad's description of what happened to him and what he saw, the Qu'ra'ysh, the tribe of our beloved prophet Mu'hammad , understood that this journey was made in body and spirit and was not a dream. There is a direct proof in the Qur'an that this was a physical journey, since there is an 'aya'h which specifically mentions our beloved prophet Mu'hammad's journey at night from Mecca to Jerusalem.

Our beloved prophet Mu'hammad was taken from the house of the mother of Hani'' in Mecca. The Angels opened his chest and washed his heart, filling it with wisdom and faith to prepare him to see the wonders that Allah created.

From the Mosque in Mecca, our beloved prophet Mu'hammad was mounted on the Bu'raq by the Angel Ji'bril. The Bu'raq is an animal from Heaven which is smaller than a mule and larger than a donkey and whose stride is as far as the eye can see. One of the proofs that our beloved prophet Mu'hammad is the best creation is that when our beloved prophet Mu'hammad was going to mount the Bu'raq, the Bu'raq trembled, and Ji'bril told the Bu'raq what meant to be still, no one better than Mu'hammad will ever mount you. This proves that our beloved prophet Mu'hammad is the best creation. Our beloved prophet Mu'hammad sat behind Ji'bril. They passed by Medina, this was before our beloved prophet Mu'hammad migrated to Medina. He dismounted and prayed two Ra'k^a'h in Medina. Then he arrived in Tur Sanai. Then he arrived in Bethlehem where the Prophet and Messenger Jesus was born. There he prayed two Ra'k^a'h. Then he arrived in Jerusalem and tied the Bu'raq to the place the Prophets used to tie their animals. He entered the mosque which Adam built forty years after he had built the Ka'^ba'h in Mecca.

Allah gathered together all the Prophets from Adam to our beloved prophet Mu'hammad including Jesus , who had been in the second sky, to honor our beloved prophet Mu'hammad . Ji'bril led our beloved prophet Mu'hammad to the front of all the Prophets in order to lead them in prayer. All the Prophets knew about our beloved prophet Mu'hammad before they saw him, and they had ordered their people to believe in him in accordance to this vow.

Our beloved prophet Mu'hammad left the mosque. Ji'bril brought him two containers, one of kha'mr, usually translated as wine, (this does not change the mind like regular wine because it is the pure and clean drink of Muslims in Heaven) and one of milk. Our beloved prophet Mu'hammad chose the milk. Ji'bril told him he had chosen the Fi'tra'h. Fi'tra'h can contain the meanings of purity and innocence.


Our beloved prophet Mu'hammad saw many things on his night journey. He saw Iblis, the Devil Satan. Iblis was the first Ji'n. In the first part of his life, Iblis was Muslim, but became non-Muslim by objecting to what Allah ordered. Our beloved prophet Mu'hammad saw Iblis standing on the side of the road calling him. Iblis did not have the courage to confront our beloved prophet Mu'hammad directly. Iblis was defeated by prophet Mu'hammad's greatness . Our beloved prophet Mu'hammad 's esteem was so great that Iblis could not even confront him.

Our beloved prophet Mu'hammad saw the things in this life, (Du'nya) as a very old woman.

While passing the grave of a very good Muslim woman, our beloved prophet Mu'hammad smelled a very good scent. This was the grave of the woman who brushed Pharaoh's daughter's hair. Her story is as follows:

One time while brushing the hair of the Pharaoh's daughter, she dropped the brush. She picked it up saying, "In the name of God." Pharaoh's daughter asked her what meant, "Do you have a God other than my father?" To which she replied, "My God and the God of your father is Allah." Pharaoh's daughter told her father. Pharaoh ordered the woman to leave Islam. When she refused to leave Islam, Pharaoh boiled water and threw the woman's children into it one at a time. At last there was only her baby, who was still breast feeding. The baby spoke to his mother. The baby told her the torture of the next life is worse than the torture of this life, so stay following your religion, Islam, because you are right. Pharaoh had the baby thrown into the boiling water. This woman asked Pharaoh to gather all their bones (hers and her children's) and bury them together. Pharaoh told her she would have what she wanted, then threw her in the water. It was from her grave that our beloved prophet Mu'hammad smelled the lovely scent. This woman was from the Sali'hin and died Sha'hid.

Our beloved prophet Mu'hammad saw those who planted, and in two days gathered the harvest. Ji'bril told him these died fighting for Islam.

He saw people whose tongues and lips were being rubbed with a file made of fire. Ji'bril told him these people said things which cause people to be lost in sins, whose words cheat and betray people.

Our beloved prophet Mu'hammad saw a bull which came from a small hole, tried to return through it, but found it too small. Ji'bril told him this is the one who said something which caused trouble for people, he wanted to take back his words, but was unable.

He saw people running back and forth like sheep with only a small cloth covering the area it is forbidden to show. Ji'bril told him these are the people who did not pay Za'kah. Za'kah is that portion of goods or money required by Allah to be paid, if a Muslim has a certain amount and if certain conditions are satisfied.

He saw people whose heads were being smashed, Ji'bril told him these are those who left their prayers. Our beloved prophet Mu'hammad saw people running to rotten meat and leaving good meat, Ji'bril told him these are those who committed adultery.

He saw people drinking a disgusting liquid, Ji'bril told him these are the ones who drank alcoholic beverages in this life.

Our beloved prophet Mu'hammad saw people scratching their faces with copper fingernails, Ji'bril told him these are those who said things about Muslims which, though they were true, the Muslim did not accept to be said of him, Ga'yba'h.

These are some of the things our beloved prophet Mu'hammad saw on his night journey from Mecca to Jerusalem.


After leaving the mosque in Jerusalem, Ji'bril took our beloved prophet Mu'hammad up to the skies. Ji'bril called to the Angel to open the door of the first sky. The Angel asked Ji'bril who was with him. Ji'bril answered, "Mu'hammad", . The Angel asked if Mu'hammad had received his revelation, and Ji'bril answered, "Yes." The door of the first sky opened for them.

In the first sky he saw prophet Adam , this was after our beloved prophet Mu'hammad had met him in Jerusalem. Our beloved prophet Mu'hammad told him, "Assa'lamu' ^a'la'yku'm," and prophet Adam answered his Sa'lam. Adam welcomed our beloved prophet Mu'hammad and asked Allah for good things for our beloved prophet Mu'hammad and his followers. On the right and left of prophet Adam , our beloved prophet Mu'hammad saw shapes of people. When prophet Adam looked to the right he laughed, and when he looked to the left he cried. On the right, prophet Adam saw his descendants who died Muslim, and on the left he saw his descendants who died non-Muslim. In the first sky, our beloved prophet Mu'hammad saw seven other Prophets.

In the second sky, our beloved prophet Mu'hammad saw prophet Jesus and prophet Ya'hya . In the third sky he saw prophet Yusu'f . In the fourth sky he saw prophet Idris . In the fifth sky he saw the prophet Haru'n . In the sixth sky he saw prophet Moses and in the seventh sky he saw prophet Ibrahim . Each of the Prophets asked Allah for good things for our beloved prophet Mu'hammad .

Among the wonders that our beloved prophet Mu'hammad saw in the skies was the Angel named Mali'k, who manages the things in Hell. Mali'k did not smile, as did the other Angels, upon meeting our beloved prophet Mu'hammad . Our beloved prophet Mu'hammad asked Ji'bril, "Why?" Ji'bril told him that Mali'k had not smiled since Allah created him but if he did smile, he would have smiled for prophet Mu'hammad .

Our beloved prophet Mu'hammad saw Al-Ba'ytu'l-Ma'^mur in the seventh sky. It is the honored house of the inhabitants of the skies (Angels), as the Ka'^ba'h is the honored house of the inhabitants of the earth (Muslims). Every day, 70,000 Angels enter it, pray, leave, and never return to it. Angels' bodies are created from light, they are neither male nor female, they do not eat, sleep nor drink, and they never disobey Allah . The number of Angels is so great, only Allah knows the number.

Our beloved prophet Mu'hammad saw a great tree (Si'dra'tu'l-Mu'nta'ha) which begins in the sixth sky and continues into the seventh sky. It is so beautiful that none of God's creations can describe it. Gold butterflies fly around it.

Our beloved prophet Mu'hammad saw Heaven. It is above the seventh sky. In Heaven there are things the eye has not seen, the ear has not heard of and the heart has not imagined, which Allah has created for the pious Muslim. There are other great things Allah has prepared for both the pious Muslims and other Muslims. Our beloved prophet Mu'hammad saw that most of those in Heaven were those who were poor Muslims on earth.

He saw the Al-Huru'l ^in. Ji'bril asked prophet Mu'hammad to tell them, "Assa'lamu' ^a'la'yku'm." They told prophet Mu'hammad they are beautiful wives for those who go to Heaven. He also saw immortal children whom Allah created without a mother or a father. They are neither human nor Angel nor jinn. They are scattered like pearls, their purpose is to serve the people of Heaven. Each person in Heaven has at least 10,000 of these children.

Our beloved prophet Mu'hammad saw the Throne (Al-^a'rsh). It is one of the greatest creations. It is surrounded by Angels and is carried by four of the largest of them. The size of the Throne was described by comparison. The Chair (another one of God's creations) is like a ring in the desert compared to the Throne, and the skies are like a ring in the desert compared to the Chair.

It is important to know that our beloved prophet Mu'hammad parted from Ji'bril. He went to a place where the Angels worship Allah , it is a place where Allah zikr.GIF (1040 bytes) has never been disobeyed. It is not a place in which Allah exists, because Allah exists without a place. Our beloved prophet Mu'hammad was not closer to Allah in this place, because distance is connected to places and since Allah exists without a place, no one can be closer nor further from Him. It is important to know that Allah does not resemble any of His creations, and Allah exists without a place. Therefore, our beloved prophet Mu'hammad was in a place, but Allah is not. Beware of translations and explanations, no matter how widespread they are, which state that prophet Mu'hammad was any distance from Allah , because they are false and will cause a person to leave Islam if he believes them.

When our beloved prophet Mu'hammad was in that place, Allah removed the thing which prevented prophet Mu'hammad from hearing the Ka'lam of Allah . Ka'lam is usually translated as speech, however, God's Ka'lam is an attribute of God and has no beginning and no end. It is not a sound, letter or language, and it does not resonate in the ear. Our beloved prophet Mu'hammad understood the following from the Ka'lam of Allah : He understood that Muslims are required to pray five times a day, he understood that Allah will forgive the large sins of some of those who follow prophet Mu'hammad , but Allah will not forgive ku'fr, the sin which causes one to be a non-Muslim, no matter how well a non-Muslim behaves in this life, Allah will not have mercy on him after death. Our beloved prophet Mu'hammad also understood from the Ka'lam of Allah that each Ha'sa'na'h (good credit) a person earns is multiplied by ten, whereas each sin a person commits remains as only one. These are three things prophet Mu'hammad understood form the Ka'lam of Allah .

Near the tree that is beyond description, prophet Mu'hammad saw Ji'bril in his original form. Ji'bril's body covered the horizon, he had six hundred wings and two of his wings reached from the east to the west

Our beloved prophet Mu'hammad returned to Mecca.


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